Friday, April 25, 2008

Good to go

My arms and legs are screaming in pain, but the entire downstairs of the new house is taped and ready to be painted. It only took us 6 hours to do this, and that doesn't include the kitchen-we painted the kitchen last weekend.

The living room, dining room, family room, and hallway are the rooms left downstairs that need painted. We have people coming to help paint Saturday and Sunday, and since all of the prep work has been done, I really have hope that we'll finish the downstairs this weekend.

I thought that we might move in next weekend, but Better Half says he has to work next weekend, so I guess that gives me time to start painting bedrooms upstairs. At this rate I may become addicted to paint fumes.

This seems to be the odd pattern of my life for now-I work all week and paint all weekend. Adult Offspring #4 asked me when we planned to move in and my honest response was, "Before Christmas." Actually I was being a smartass, but honestly I have no idea when we're moving in. Not a clue.

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