Tuesday, July 1, 2008

One of my favorite places

We went to Capitol Market today, which is indeed one of my favorite places. I like the market atmosphere, not to mention the choices. I have wanted to go there for some time, my blood sugar numbers have been decent, (Thanks to the Januvia), but they could be better and I need to shed about a bazillion pounds or so. What I needed was fresh produce. What I didn't need was already rotted produce, nor produce grown in some country where the fertilizer of choice is human feces. Those 2 choices seem to be all my local Kroger is offering these days. Don't even get me started on WalMart, I won't even walk through their produce department.

Speaking of food, when was the last time you heard anyone suggest farming to their child as a career? The sad truth is that the American farmer is a dying breed, and the food we are importing is inferior-and that's putting it nicely. My cousin has a farm in rural WV, she once gave me a fridge magnet that put it quite bluntly. It said, " NO FARM, NO FOOD ". I don't get it, we have enough land to feed our own with far superior food than the crap we're importing, we have oil in Alaska that's there for the drilling, not only would this break our dependence on Middle East oil, but it would also provide jobs, good paying jobs, for Americans. What am I missing here?

1 comment:

Evil Twin's Wife said...

Well, some folks don't want to drill on a tiny speck of land and as long as they're in the lead, nothing helpful will come of it. You know how I feel though. And, I love the Capitol Market too. I think I'm headed to WM today, though (after Kroger's last night and forgot half of what I needed!) Argh!