Monday, June 30, 2008

Tired, butt dragging tired

Yesterday afternoon Youngest Child went to a birthday party in Huntington, it was the party of a former classmate who had moved. This gave me time to visit w/Next to the Youngest Child, cook dinner, and weed my flower beds. (And do some more laundry, I'm always doing laundry.)

Youngest Child hadn't been home 5 minutes when she began complaining of a stomach ache, and these complaints continued for the rest of the evening. She's not one to get stomach aches, or to complain about physical ailments in general, so I knew something was up.

At around 1 AM it all came up, and continued to come up, for the rest of the morning , til around 6:30 AM. There was no fever, nor can I think of any ill person she's been around. HOWEVER...

We went to Mass yesterday at 10, as usual. What wasn't usual, is that it went to 11:30. We ordanarily go to Bob Evans after Sunday Mass, but we ordanarily avoid the majority of the after church crowd, but not yesterday. There wasn't even a spot in the parking lot down on the farm, so we didn't stop. Against my better judgement, we stopped at Shoney's. The food was AWFUL. I must be becoming a wimp in my old age, because not only did I pay for this garbage, but we also ate it. After the first few disgusting bites we should've walked out, without paying. It won't happen again. No more Mrs. Nice Guy.


Carolyn said...

Hi, thanks for visiting my blog today :)

So sorry to hear your little gal was sick. My sis-in-law had a 'bug' she said is going around. Of course after she told me that I began feeling queasy, lol! But I also have gallstones so I never know...

I'm glad to meet another blogger from WV! :)

Evil Twin's Wife said...

I don't think there is anything worse than the throw up bug. Was it the Shoney's here?

My Exciting Life said...

carolyn: I really enjoy your blog, I just never had the nerve to comment until today :)
Youngest Child is feeling much better now, I truly suspect a touch of food poisoning :(
I,too, am glad to "meet" another blogger from WV! :)

ETW: I would rather poke sharp sticks in my eyes than throw up, I felt so sorry for her! Yes, it was the Shoney's here...I knew better than to eat there, their standards have been falling for a long time.